Hi, I’m professor in Software Engineering at the Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL). You can read my short CV below or download a more comprehensive CV here, or visit my static institutional page.

I’m also the study program coordinator (“studieprogramkoordinator”) for our Bachelor program in Information Technology in Bergen, Førde and Haugesund, as well as the international exchange-coordinator.

Together with Håkon Gylteryd, I’m one of the two national management committee members of the EuroProofNet EU COST Action CA20111.

I am a member of Formal Methods Europe (FME) and the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS).


Volker is professor in software engineering at the Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL, or “Western Norway University of Applied Sciences”) in Bergen, Norway. They received their doctoral degree (Dr.rer.nat.) from RWTH Aachen, Germany. In between, they held research- and teaching positions at the former United Nations University Institute for Software Technology (UNU-IIST) in Macao S.A.R., and the University of Oslo in Norway. Their research interests are formal methods in general, and applied to programming language semantics in particular. They have published on refactoring, runtime verification, and modeling tools. Volker has also been involved in various national and international projects (and quite a few unsuccessful project applications), such as the the MSCA Doctoral Network “Towards an Understanding of Artificial Intelligence (TUAI)”, the EU Horizon 2020 project “Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore Systems (COEMS)”, as well as collaboration with Guillaume Hiet and the SUSHI group at CentralSupélec, Rennes, France, Martin Leucker’s group at the University of Lübeck, Germany, and UFCG, Campina Grande, Brazil.

Research Areas

  • Refactoring
  • Aggregate Programming
  • Runtime Verification
  • Software Engineering


In DBLP, in Cristin (Norwegian research database, includes pre-prints!).


  • Mobile and distributed application development DAT153 (Android, cross-platform, aggregate)
  • Model-driven software engineering and reliable software systems DAT355
  • Programming languages IN3040 at UiO


  • I dabble in home automation with Home Assistant, also from a perspective of software engineering for our IoT lab on “Smart Software Systems” (BSc and MSc-projects)
  • Some pet-projects are now on Codeberg instead of Github.com, like the scraping-tool to check the trash-pickup schedule in Bergen (BIRscrape). Fun story: while working on this on discovered that they were leaking PII on any request; I’ve notified BIR and they should’ve fixed this by now.